Our Auto Repairs & Tire Centre is also open for all your vehicle needs. Ph: 416-423-9225
A&A Appliances Inc.

& Outdoor Power Equipment
Sales and Services Ph: (416) 696-1334
1202 Woodbine Ave. East York, Toronto, ON, M4C 4E1 Email: aaappliancewarehouse@hotmail.com

Refurbished Major Appliances &
Outdoor Power Equipment
Fridges • Washers • Dryers • Stoves • Vacuum Cleaners • Lawn Mowers • Snow Blowers • Chain Saws • Hedge Trimmers • Concrete Cut-off Saws Riding Lawn Mowers / Tractors • Generator Engines • Leaf Blowers • Etc
Buy & Sales • Service & Repair
We have been serving the neighborhood and surrounding communities for over 20 years with honesty and have provided quality services to all our customers.
At A&A Appliance Warehouse & Outdoor Power Equipment, we carry a variety of brand name refurbished major home appliances and outdoor power equipment at very reasonable prices. All our products come with a warranty.
We also repair and service most makes of appliances such as Fridges, Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Vacuum Cleaners, etc.
We provide House Call Services for major home appliance repairs.
Sales, repairs and service of Outdoor power equipment such as Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chainsaws, Hedge Trimmers, Cut-off-Saws, Tillers, etc.
Tune-ups and repairs also done on Riding Lawn Mowers / Tractors.
We also sell parts for most appliances and power equipment.
Pick-up and delivery - available at minimal cost if you cannot bring your equipment into the shop.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions on your appliance or outdoor equipment needs.
Exceeding Expectations
We are very honoured to have served our neighbourhood and many customers from various parts of Toronto, Ontario, for over 20 years with quality workmanship and honesty.
Call or visit A&A Appliance Warehouse. Our courteous professionals will assist you, answer your questions, and will gladly offer suggestions.